The Manic World of BDSM Dating

You might wonder what the whole BDSM thing is all about, and I wondered about this too before I got into it big time. I wasn’t actively looking for such sexual or erotic techniques, but they came my way on my wacaday journey around the world. When I was a student at Bournemouth University, I first heard about bdsm dating and I was intrigued.

Nude yoga on the BDSM bandwagon

Naturally I felt the need to indulge into such activities and these are my strongest memories from my sexual and erotic experiences on my journey.

1.Nude Yoga in London

When I heard about nude yoga in London, I got straight onto the scene and emailed Veronika. I was replied to immediately by the lady herself, a Slovakian who invites you into her studio. She whips off her clothes very quickly to reveal pristine boobies and unshaven below parts. Then it’s your turn to get nude. Don’t be shy boys and girls – let the bits hang out and get down to some nude yoga. This really gets your body and sexual parts stimulated ready for the next big erotic scene.

2.Flirty messages via What’s App

From the moment, I met France based lady Vicky Parker in China(a complicated story I know), we were sending audacious flirty messages to each other. From Vicky’s Argentinian kiss to her little childish white fun lies, it was all part of a neuro erotic theme during that period of my life. I sent a nude selfie to wee Vicky but covered my willy as I am sure she didn’t suddenly want to know the size of my slippery snake!

3.Being Handcuffed in Ukraine

While backpacking in Ukraine in 2015, I headed to the famous Masoc cafe in Lviv, where the lad who invented Masoschism came from. Here, I shed my top and was slashed and whipped by a Ukrainian sexbomb mistress whilst also handcuffed to a table. If this doesn’t get you excited then I don’t know what will.

4.Willy massage in Moldova

If you have ever met a Moldovan lady, be aware that any massage they offer you will usually be done in the buff – yes them and you. The girl invites you into the shower and cleans your entire nude skeleton even your balls and penis. Once you are clean, you lie face down and get an oil covered massage. Legs to back. As the legs are stroked, she’ll also whack your back and glide her fingers onto the tip of your willy.

By the time you have turned round, you’ll have a huge erection and it won’t be long until your BDSM desire are conquered as she willy wanks you to perfection in a cosmic ejaculation process.

5.A Night Under The Lamposts of Il Birgu

“You’re mine tonight, now I’ve got you in my sights” – Eric Carmen.

After a romantic dinner date at one of the most exquisite restaurants in the Maltese seaside town of Il Birgu, I once headed on a lovebird walk through the charming old streets. It was here under a dimly lit lampost that myself and my partner indulged in a spot of spontaneous, erotic, public affection. Whether it’s a kiss, a snog, a fondle or even a spot of nookie in public, it is another pure fire way to get the pulses flowing and reach orgasm.

For more experiences like these, you can find out loads online these days at sites such as I am always on the lookout for crazy new adventures to enhance my sexual and wacaday desires.

How to Manage Your Business from Abroad

How to Manage Your Business from Abroad 

20 years ago, managing a business from a foreign country meant that you were doing very well for yourself. The amount of resources and friction that small business owners are faced with has dramatically reduced thanks to technology. Whether it’s a short holiday or applying for a digital nomad visa, it’s never been easier to take your work with you. The only requirement here is that you’re technologically savvy, enjoy being organized, and know when to seek help from a 3rd party.

How to Manage Your Business from Abroad in 2023
How to Manage Your Business from Abroad in 2023

Ideas to Assist in Managing Your Small Business from Abroad 

The key to managing your business efficiently from abroad is that you are going to have to be creative. Particularly if you are located in an opposite time zone, your scheduling is going to have to be flawless.  

Here is a recommended list of tasks to remain in contact with your employees and to monitor their progress effectively:  

  • Weekly Assessment Calls: With each of your high managers, you should be having a weekly meeting to monitor the completion of projects. Due to technology developments, this meeting can occur online. This way, your employees know that they are accountable for their performance even in your absence.  
  • Have an International Calling Plan with Data: Communication is key. There is no longer the excuse that international plans are too expensive. With the multitude of Apps that run on effective data, there is a plethora of potential to stay in constant communication with your employees. Be sure to take advantage of these technological developments to stay in contact with your employees.  
  • Utilize Interactive Spreadsheets to Track Finances: Interactive templates allow you to see what your employees are editing – they’re also faster to set up. Use them for your financials so that you can track your bank accounts and how employees are using your money in your absence. This will reduce the temptation for your employees to be dishonest.  
  • Ask for Daily Minutes from Employees: Daily minutes encourages accountability. The key to your business running successfully in your absence is for your employees to know that you will be reading their daily minutes. Thus, make a designated time to do this on a daily basis and you will see great results.  
  • Install Office Cameras: Office cameras are also a great tool to discourage non-productive behavior from employees. Do not be afraid to install them even if you are not watching them. Their mere presence encourages performance.  

Important Things to Know as a Travel Blogger
How to Manage Your Business from Abroad in 2023

Does it really feel like working when I’m in a cool hostel having a beer?

Technological Assistance to Consider 

When abroad, as long as you have an internet connection, there are many sensational innovations that will help you to run your business effectively. Here is a list for you to consider:  

  • Quip: Quip is a rising competitor to Google that allows customers to share schedules and spreadsheets from far away. This is a great resource for producing and developing projects with employees that are located all over the globe. It is also ideal for supervisors that are monitoring how employees are working from other locations.  
  • FaceTime: The era of Skype has passed because FaceTime, Facebook call, Google’s Gchat, and WeChat video are now the most effective ways to get in touch for meetings. These are sensational tools to have distance meetings and have a reliable connection that does not periodically cut out.  
  • VPN: If you are in a country that censors its access to important components of your business such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google, investing in a VPN is a wise idea to remain in contact with your employees. For spending $100 per year, for example, it is possible to have access to any webpage even in countries that are quite restricted such as China.  VPNs will also provide you and your employees with better security when using public Wi-Fi.
  • Money transfer companies: money transfer companies offer preferable rates on international bank to bank money transfers in comparison to the bank itself which levies heavy fees on each transfer. This is essential for your international business when keeping costs and transfer times down.
  • Shipping: International shipping has never been more simplified due to the development of Apps that track global shipments and anticipate the customs duties. Invest in these services because they will make your life as a business owner infinitely easier.  

How to Manage Payroll Payments from Abroad 

One issue that is paramount for the small business owner who is based from abroad is going to be how they are going to pay their employees. Luckily, there have been many useful developments in this aspect pertaining to the idea of sending wages internationally through utilizing international salary payments digitally. Particularly for many international SME’s, there are many foreign exchange companies that provide this service. Utilizing foreign exchange companies for this resource is quintessential for small business owners because it allows them to have employees in many different currencies and pay them all over the globe. Where this is particularly tremendous is when the employer saves a lot of capital on international transaction fees and currency exchange fees through using this medium. Small business owners should absolutely take advantage of such developments to promote efficiency within their businesses while working from abroad.  

Concluding Remarks 

The freedom and life satisfaction that is realized from managing a small business abroad cannot be understated. With the current technological solutions available, it’s more than possible to run an entity based in San Francisco from a co-working space in Kuala Lumpur. In fact, this may bring about new networking opportunities and ignite operations in new markets.

Managing employees remotely used to be one of the biggest obstacles, but working from home is now a common set-up – being abroad isn’t much different. Payroll or an Employer of Record solutions may be sought for easier compliance, but ultimately the tools are there at your disposal. To be successful, it’s a matter of indulging in the digital world, keeping up to date with the latest developments, and positioning yourself as an effective leader that never feels too far away.

My Relationship Stories From My Journeys

Despite having travelled the world for years and meeting thousands of people, visiting 165 countries and over 900 cities, I never found the one thing we all want in life – Love. Why is love so hard to find? Whether you are on the move or not, every is a struggle to find the right girl for me.

But I have had no shortage of flings, relationships and dates but everything went wrong every time, so I need to learn from my mistakes and also it takes me time to trust others. This is why I also recently used an online dating site to see if it would help me out. Indeed I found that by checking out someone’s profile online in advance, you can be a bit safer and happier ahead of the meeting as there is less chance of encountering dishonesty. We all know people put up old photos, make themselves look thinner and generally make themselves sound and look better than they are. Some of this can be false but we can thankfully now suss this out on social media in advance. Only those who steer clear of social media can really tell lies and fool their potential dates.

Other options I used on my travels to try and find love were these:

Hostel Dorm Rooms
I spent a lot of time sleeping in hostel dorms, this way I got to meet a lot of cool people, spending nights and days with them – I often called them 24 hour friends.

Speed Dating Events
I headed to a few of these Speed Dating nights. Basically you are bunged into a room with 15 girls and 15 guys and you get 3 minutes with each girl to try and impress them. Afterwards you tick boxes of which girls you liked. Then, if you matched you can meet up outside the event.

Dating Websites
From time to time I like to sign up and join a dating site to give me a more passive way to meet girls without getting too serious too early. You get time and opportunity to chat to girls online long before you decide to meet them.

Mingling in Bars, Cafes and Pubs
The good old fashioned technique of chatting up girls in bars, pubs and clubs still holds true. It’s a good way to meet girls face to face and try and impress them on the first impression. Invite them to your table for a coffee or a beer and strike up an interesting conversation.

Finally of course, there is always Tinder which is a modern app making it easy to meet girls where you are. You simpyl create an account that is linked to Facebook and swipe right for like and left for a rejection. If the girl matches with you, then you can write to them. If not, then you can’t.

Overall though, I am still waiting for the true love of my life to walk right in. Who knows when…

My Casual Dating and Relationship Experiences

As this is my own personal blog and I rarely post such emotional stuff here, it still gives me a good output for my feelings. On my travels and all through my life, I have dated far too many girls and married zero. It has been hard to find the right person and settle down. Perhaps I’m too fussy, but really only God will have the answer. Anyway, here are some of my dating style experiences and my thoughts on them.

Using Apps
These days there are so many new dating apps to download and get into and these vary from country to country. By far the most common ones are Plenty of Fish, Tinder and Zoosk. I have used all three but only through Tinder did I actually meet up with girls. It was nothing amazing but certainly a good idea for shy people. Unfortunately I no longer have the shyness problem, and am probably a bit too up front to girls on there, so I use them less often now.

Using Adult Dating Sites
I have used lots of online options for dating in my time too, particularly adult dating sites. This gives you a good chance to meet a girl who is mature and adult enough to know what they want in life. You can check out their profiles online before you even meet them so this dispells any doubts you might have in advance. You can ask all kind of questions and get to know them online first. A great idea and one I recommend as it doesn’t carry many risks.

Speed Dating
In 2004 and in 2017 I went speed dating. It’s just a bit of fun though and I rarely hear of couples actually hitting it off after a speed date. Basically you get around 15 single guys and 15 single girls in a room and they get three minutes with each person, rotating from table to tabel until they find the one they want. It doesn’t always work out but definitely an exciting evening, so try it!

Meeting in Real Life
This is the winner folks – the best and most real. My best girlfriends and lovers have been those who I met in real life. For example, Panny Yu, to whom I was engaged – we met in real life on our journeys and enjoyed visiting EVERY continent and 44 countries together, amazing! For the record, here are the countries:

Antarctica, Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, Guyana, French Guyana, Suriname, Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland, Sweden, China, Hong Kong, Macau, Tunisia, Italy, Iraq, Iran, UAE, Qatar, Turkey, Kurdistan, Nagorno Karabakh, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Australia, South Korea, North Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Thailand.

Jonny Blair Poetry: Nazzbal (February 2020)
Jonny Blair Poetry: Nazzbal (February 2020)

Sex Tourism
I’m against any kind of sex tourism and exploitation of males or females. I was sexually and physically assaulted by a girl on my travels, this was a person I trusted who took advantage of my kindness, my sincerity, my honesty and my good likes and then physically abused me in public and I was helpless. The police were later involved as I plunged into deep depression but then I realised that transparency and honesty might actually be better online. After this, I opted to use some sex dating sites to see if there was more honesty there. I was pleasantly surprised that those people were more honest than a few of those potential partners I had met in real life.

Coolest Quirky Travel Tips for the Long Term Backpacker

When you get to travel as much as I do, all over the world, you sometimes can’t keep track of time. That means, you forget what day it is, what week…and you can imagine how often it happens for me to forget when my mum’s birthday is, or my mates and so on. These happened for a few years now, so I decided this year I will make a difference.

Perpetual tourist

I set a reminder on my phone with a couple of days before my friend’s birthday, because I decided to surprise her with a small gift  and make up for her for this last couple of years when I even forgot to make a phone call to wish her a Happy Birthday.

Even though I was travelling, during that time of the year, I made all the arrangements online. I had arranged for her to receive in the morning  a huge bouquet of white roses ( as I know they are her favourite) and also a laser hair removal machine, that I know she wanted for a long time.

This year I am sure she will not be disappointed on me. She will be amazed and happy to know her son still thinks of her, even thought he is not there to tell her in person.

Backpacking the world

I hope to do more of thee small gestures to the loved ones, at least one time per year. Not necessarily to send them gifts but to make the time to let them know I still care for them and think of them, even thought I am not there physically.

Traveling all over the world can be hectic and is hard to try to keep in touch all the time with the people you care,  but with a little help from technology, you can get more organised and you can do it.

My 5 Craziest Days Out in London

I have been to London so many times, I couldn’t count them. I even lived there in 2006 – 2007 and worked in a busy PR agency in Hammersmith. Over the years I had plenty of crazy days and nights out in London, here are my top 5 of craziest days out in London, inspired by some special events and good friends!

1.Monopoly Pub Crawl
The ten year reunion of the famous Monopoly Pub Crawl was very enjoyable. We managed to visit every square on the Monopoly Board and have a drink/dare in each one – a total of 41 squares. Here’s an overview of what we did – Monopoly Pub Crawl 2015.

Monopoly Pub Crawl

Monopoly Pub Crawl

2.Football Stadiums Tour and Pub Crawl
In 2006 for my birthday, I got my friends together and we visited EVERY football stadium! Charlton, Millwall, Spurs, Arsenal, West Ham, Chelski, Fulham, QPR, Brentford, Barnet, Wimbledon, Crystal Palace, Wembley, Leyton Orient, Dagenham and Redbridge etc. It was a brilliant day out, we also had lots of beer along the way.

Football Grounds of London on a Pub Crawl

Football Grounds of London on a Pub Crawl

Football Grounds of London on a Pub Crawl

Football Grounds of London on a Pub Crawl

3.The Kingdom of Lovely
Danny Wallace invented a new country in 2006 in the hit BBC TV Series “How to Start Your Own Country”. Myself and the famous Millwall Neil once did a full day out of sights dedicated to the Kingdom of Lovely!! We also popped into for a look around while we were in nearby Soho. It was a crazy trip. This is like a country within a country!

The Kingdom of Lovely

The Kingdom of Lovely

The Kingdom of Lovely

4.Backpacking in Austenasia
As well as the obscure Kingom of Lovely, London also hides another small unknown enclave within it! The unknown micronation of Austenasia is a separate country which borders London, England and the United Kingdom. Its capital city is Wrythe and guided tours are only possible by contacting the Austenasian government. In 2015, I backpacked the main sights of Wrythe myself and later I toured Orly.

Backpacking in Austenasia

Backpacking in Austenasia
Backpacking in Austenasia

5.World Cup 2014 Pub Crawl
One of my more recent crazy trips back to London was the 2014 World Cup Pub Crawl where we had to drink drinks and eat food related to the 12 World Cup countries playing that day. This included Italian pizza, English beer and Japanese sushi.

London World Cup Pub Crawl

London World Cup Pub Crawl

I hope to return to London again soon for more epic and crazy days out.

Quick Facts About South Dakota

Quick Facts About South Dakota

South Dakota is located in the Midwest part of the United States. It is bordered by the states Minnesota and Iowa to the east, North Dakota to the north, Montana and Wyoming to the west and Nebraska to the south. The state was named after Native America tribes, the Lakota and Dakota. Most of the land here is rural. The capital of South Dakota is Pierre. The largest city in South Dakota is Sioux Falls, the home for approximately 150,000 people. The overall population of the state is estimated to be 775,993 people. South Dakota is also the home to the well-known Mt Rushmore.


The top ten cities in South Dakota are Sioux Falls, Rapid City, Aberdeen, Watertown, Brookings, Mitchell, Pierre, Yankton, Huron and Vermilion. The populations for these cities range between 9,862 (Vermilion) and 142,396 (for Sioux Falls). There are a total of 66 counties in South Dakota. The capital is located in Hughes County and Sioux Falls is in Minnehaha County.

Quick Facts About South Dakota

The average summer temperatures in South Dakota are between 60 degrees (at night) and 90 degrees. There are times when the state has high temperatures (above 100 degrees) causing severe hot droughts and dry spells. There is about 25 inches of annual rains, the highest being 30 inches in Lawrence County. Thunder storms, hail, and severe high winds are also weather habits in South Dakota. The winters are very cold, sometimes hitting below 10 degrees Fahrenheit throughout the state.


In 2006, the state’s Gross State Product was $32.3 billion. The state’s per capita income was $26,894 in the year 2004, ranking it 37th in the nation. The rate of unemployment here was 3 percent in 2007. The largest contribution to the state’s economy is the service industry, which includes health care, retail and finance.


There are a total of 703 public schools located throughout 168 districts. This gives the state the largest amount of educational institutions per capita in the U.S. The graduation rate is 89.9 percent with an average score of 21.8 on the ACT; this is slightly above America’s average, which is 21.1.


There are two national parks in South Dakota, the Badlands National Park and the Wind Cave National Park, both of which are located in the southwest portions of the state. The Badlands Park was created in 1978; here visitors can find grasslands and eroded landscapes with bright colors. In 1903, the Wind Cave Park was created. It is located in the Black Hills where many cave networks can be found. A herd of bison also inhabits its lands. Mt Rushmore is located in this park also, attracting a large number of residents each year. The Lois and Clark National Historic Trail is managed by the National Park Service, along with some other historical sites.


  • South Dakota’s nicknames are “the Mt Rushmore state” and “the sunshine state”.
  • The population of South Dakota ranks 46th in the nation.
  • The four major land regions of South Dakota are the Drift Prairie, Great Plains, Black Hills and the Dissected Till Plains.


If you’re planning a trip to South Dakota, it’s a good idea to shop for deals on Groupon. You can get discounts on various gear, clothing and tools. You can also find coupons from brands like Eddie Bauer.



New Logo for Jonny Blair Business Backpacker

I haven’t used this site much since I started it in 2014, mostly as all my business comes through Don’t Stop Living these days. But this site should be more me and less you. I will be doing a bit more on it over the next year or so and I have had a new JB logo designed, thanks to Ilona Skladzien Bournemouth logo expert.

New logo for JB by Ilona Skladzien
New logo for JB by Ilona Skladzien

You can employ Ilona to do logos for your business by contacting her company My Logo I.

is mli

Jonny Blair world traveller and business backpacker logo
Jonny Blair world traveller and business backpacker logo

Kitgate: My Thoughts on the Northern Ireland Kit Saga

“It’s always exciting following Northern Ireland. Win, lose or draw. We talk and we drink and we sing and we laugh.”

Selling fanzines at Windsor Park in Belfast in 2002. A 0-0 draw with Ukraine.
Selling fanzines at Windsor Park in Belfast in 2002. A 0-0 draw with Ukraine.

I don’t write about football as much as I used to. Travel got in the way. But long before I backpacked the world and started online businesses, I edited and produced a fanzine about the Northern Ireland international football team. It was called “Here We Go…Again”. Myself and my friends Michael and Gavin were teenagers at the time, I was 16 when the first fanzine came out for the Portugal home match in 1997. Those were the glory days of fanzines before the internet took over. At the time we made the fanzine, we knew we weren’t world beaters, we didn’t expect to qualify for a major tournament for a long time after that.

Selling fanzines at Windsor Park in Belfast at the Spain match in 2003. We drew 0-0.
Selling fanzines at Windsor Park in Belfast at the Spain match in 2003. We drew 0-0.

By 2004 though, our lives got busy and we knocked the fanzine on the head after the Poland and Wales double header. I started the South of England Northern Ireland Supporters Club while based in the seaside town of Bournemouth and I still met up for home and away matches with the old crew. The dizzy heights of 2005 – 2007 had us dreaming of qualifying, as Healy scored 13 goals in one group. We gunned down Sweden, Denmark, Spain and England at Windsor Park in the space of 2 years. Amazing.

The night we beat the England at Windsor Park.
The night we beat the England at Windsor Park.

In 2009, if we had won our last two matches (v. Slovakia and v. Czech Republic) we would have at least a play off to qualify for the South Africa World Cup. But it wasn’t to be. Our wee country were the nearly men once again. After a long time travelling and living abroad, I headed to Azerbaijan and Turkey in 2013 for a couple of away matches and made it back to Belfast in time for our first Euro 2016 qualifier – a 2-0 win over the Faroe Islands. We were in dreamland when we beat the Faroes 3-1 away a year later, meaning we could beat Hungary and qualify outright! The moment was finally realised with Josh Magennis’s header against Greece. That was it. Davis added a third and we had done it. It had been an incredible journey for myself, for all the Northern Ireland fans that I know and have known down the years. We had travelled all those miles, paid for all those tickets, beers, buses and burgers and now we had qualified! We were euphoric!

A party day out in Bristol with the South of England NISC
A party day out in Bristol with the South of England NISC

Then after the euphoria and excitement of bating them there Greeks and qualifying for the European Championships for the first time in our history, we organised a friendly with Latvia. On the Monday before the match, the IFA and Adidas embarrassed themselves by what can only be described as a huge kit f**k up. The Irish FA and Adidas have released what has to be one of the worst ever Northern Ireland shirts of all time, with an overwhelming majority of 95% of Northern Ireland fans hating the kit. Over 6,000 signed an online poll and the kit received widespread condemnation from the majority of Northern Ireland diehards. I hate it myself, it’s horrendous, it’s brutal and yes while I appreciate that a small percentage 5% of fans actually like it, most of us don’t want it, we’re appalled by it and we won’t buy it or wear it.

“Don’t bite the hand that feeds you” – Anon

Party time in Torshavn, Faroe Islands.
Party time in Torshavn, Faroe Islands.

Why are we making such a big deal over a football shirt?
Because it’s important to us. It’s a part of our journey and our life. It’s important. It’s very important. Northern Ireland fans are emotional, patriotic, passionate, optimistic, pessimistic people. We hate being un-noticed. We hate being treated like second best. We have a unique bond in this country which cannot be experienced anywhere else in the world. We are unpredictable. We shock ourselves. We rip the piss out of each other. We sometimes act the lig. We have debates about flegs/flags, city names, anthems, poppies. We love debates. We are opinionated and we’ll make it known. We even have debates about colours.

On the football pitch, we’re a mental bunch and we love it. In 1982, we drew 1-1 with Honduras, then beat Spain 1-0 in Spain. In 1996, we drew 1-1 with Armenia at home, then drew 1-1 in Germany. In 2006, we lost 3-0 at home to Iceland and 5 days later we beat Spain 3-2. We are a special group of people, the Green and White Army. The GAWA. We’ve seen it all on and off the pitch. The Neil Lennon saga, the McMenemy years, the Healy debut double, the 1,200+ minutes without scoring a single goal, the night we beat the England, the bombs at Windsor Park, the player poaching by the other country on the island of Ireland, the anthem debates, the Arconada…Armstrong! It’s always exciting following Northern Ireland. Win, lose or draw. We talk and we drink and we sing and we laugh. It’s quare craic let me tell you. My English and US mates that have joined in Northern Ireland away days and supporters club meetings often site them as the best times of their lives (I kid you not).

With the GAWA in Turkey. Adana, 2013.
With the GAWA in Turkey. Adana, 2013.

We also understand each other. Mostly. I was in Copenhagen Airport on my own in September on route to Vagar in the Faroe Islands and rather than have me drink on my own, two NI lads, Justin and John called me over to drink with them. It happens a lot. We look out for each other. We are brothers and sisters that may never have met. But we understand the culture of following Northern Ireland. I love it. You love it. Keith Gillespie loves it.

“It’s a passion. You can feel it in the air” – Snap (Rhythm is a Dancer)

When we beat Greece and qualified it was a huge moment for us all. It was our first ever qualification for the Euros. We went on to win the group! For those under the age of 30 (including my youngest brother Danny), this is the first time they have even seen Northern Ireland at a major championships.

Drawing a picture of Maradona and the NI Panini page open during the 1986 World Cup.
Drawing a picture of Maradona and the NI Panini page open during the 1986 World Cup.

I remember Mexico 86 watching on TV with my Dad and collecting the sticker album and getting a scarf. But this time, I’m old enough to understand the true meaning of it. Many of my friends have been on this journey with me since 1986. It’s big time. It’s major.

My first ever Northern Ireland kit and ball.
My first ever Northern Ireland kit and ball.

My first ever NI scarf. Thanks Dad!!
My first ever NI scarf. Thanks Dad!!











And now that we have qualified the excitement mounts even more! The fixtures coming out, booking flights, boats, trains, hostels, hotels, campsites. Which bar are we meeting in? What song can we sing about Stuarty Dallas or Paddy McNair? The kits coming out. Yes, we all love our 1982 Whiteside or the 1986 Colin Clarke retro jerseys but we are looking forward to a fabulous Euro 2016 kit! Part of the excitement was about a new kit for the Euros. Myself and thousands of fellow Norn Iron fans are hotly anticipating the new kit, but we thought we might not see it until the new year, 2016. Especially given that the latest kit was only worn in late 2014 for the first time, and the latest away was first worn in February 2015. We are with Adidas at the moment for our kit manufacturer, as we were in the 1982 and 1986 World Cups, so we should trust that they will deliver the goods. I can’t wait to see the kit. Can’t wait to buy it. Can’t wait to wear it. Can’t wait to get my first beer stain on it. What will it look like?

Maybe a classic pin striped away kit like this from Coatsey on Our Wee Country?:

A classic pinstriped away idea from Coatsey on Our Wee Country
A classic pinstriped away idea from Coatsey on Our Wee Country

Perhaps a really snazzy modern green and white top like Dan from Dan B designs?

A snazzy modern number designed by Dan at Dan B designs
A snazzy modern number designed by Dan at Dan B designs

Perhaps even similar to this shirt, a recent Germany away kit?

We're not Deutschland we're Northern Ireland
We’re not Deutschland we’re Northern Ireland

And then. Oh no. Oh dear. This must be a joke. It’s a wee wind up from one of your mates on Bakebook isn’t it?


The new "Northern Ireland shirt"
The new “Northern Ireland shirt”

As the shirt was revealed on a Monday in November, suddenly, the IFA were having to pull posts and tweets from their social media feed. Instantly the GAWA hated it. That horrendous blue stripe. Horrendous. It looks like a training shirt. And while I don’t speak for the GAWA, I’m one of the GAWA and I hate it. It’s my opinion. It’s horrendous. We need a proper classic Northern Ireland tournament shirt we can all be proud of. We are the fans, we spend our time, effort and money over the years watching when Andy Smith and Lee McEvilly couldn’t hit a barn door. We travelled to far off places to watch Norn Iron get duffed. All we wanted was a kit that the fans instantly love and we would all rush out and buy it. For £55 I would gladly pay for a decent memorable Northern Ireland Euro 2016 shirt.

But I won’t be buying this, neither will a hell of a lot more of this family, the GAWA. We’re not impressed, that’s the overall opinion.

I expect Adidas and the Irish Football Association to lose up to £2 million pounds on this mistake, and I reckon they will most likely lose the contract for Adidas to manufacture any future Northern Ireland shirts. Adidas, a multi million pound company, have failed in their research into the Northern Irish market. We’re a nice bunch of people here in this country, but treat us with respect and give us what we want. I see Germany and Belgium love their kits. We don’t. Sort it out please. I bet Kyle Lafferty is in stitches with this one. He’s a boy with a sense of humour. He thinks we might play Argentina in the Euros! Brilliant Kyle, brilliant! If a country has a sense of humour, it’s Northern Ireland. Check this out:

Lafferty with his t*ts out (courtesy of bangorzane on Our Wee Country)
Lafferty with his t*ts out (courtesy of bangorzane on Our Wee Country)

It would be nice if we could have this home shirt shifted to a training shirt after the Latvia match and a new shirt launched for Euro 2016 that we all love. If not, I’ll be wearing a retro 1980s or 1990s shirt to the Euros in France.

We are real fans of Northern Ireland. We care. We have emotion. We want a nice shirt to wear. It was too easy for Adidas and the IFA, but somewhere along the line there has been a major mistake. I’m just having my opinion on it, that’s all. You can have yours but I don’t like it. See you all in France!

#kitgate #adidasruinedthedream #gawa

“We’ll support you evermore” – Northern Ireland fans

The story has attracted media attention and has appeared on a few different media outlets including:

Our Wee Country
The Irish Sun
The Belfast Telegraph
Ulster Television
The Newsletter
The Daily Mail
Belfast Live

Sky Sports

Please sign this petition set up by my friend Ian McKinney and let’s get a proper shirt out for the Euros. Northern Ireland kit Scandal and please like and share the Facebook Page about boycotting this shirt.#kitgate

“Let’s get ourselves the kit we deserve, not this awful mess!” – Ian McKinney, 2015

Ian McKinney and I in Romania in 2014 with David Watson and Colin Bowles. GAWA!
Ian McKinney and I in Romania in 2014 with David Watson and Colin Bowles. GAWA!

Green and White Army!

Jonny Blair
Lifelong Northern Ireland Supporter, Travel Writer, Blogger, Ulsterman.

My First Ever Travel Blog: School Trip to the Netherlands 1991

You might have seen my social media updates on my main site, Twitter and Facebook about this release of my first ever travel blog, so here it is in a post on here to explain a bit more. As I head to my 100th country this month, I wanted to get my first ever travel blog released to get it out of the way. The book is 24 years old. The book was written by me back in 1991 on my first ever journey away from Northern Ireland without my parents as I embarked on a school trip to the Netherlands.

My First Ever Travel Blog from 1991
My First Ever Travel Blog from 1991


The book is a short 26 page account of that first journey, containing the original text from my first ever hand written travel blog, photos from the original book and my reflections now as an adult, 24 years on. The book was written in April and May 1991 when I was just 11 years old. At the time it was written into an old school notebook and has now been published digitally for the first time in March 2015, when I’m now 34 years old.

The reason for the release of this, my first ever travel blog, is because I wanted to do things in order, so I’m releasing my first ever travel blog first and later there will be the bigger and better book that has been a long time coming. This is just a mini taster. Anyone interested in buying it, I have it on sale for $5.99 through and

I hope you enjoy this ahead of the 100 country journey book which will be released later in the year.


About the Product:

My First Ever Travel Blog is Jonny Blair’s first ever travel diary, dating back to a school trip to the Netherlands in 1991 when Jonny was just 11 years old. It is a short eBook with text lifted directly from the hand written diary that Jonny made back in 1991 when he left Northern Ireland without his parents or family for the first time.

The story details Jonny’s five day trip to the Netherlands, the first trip that set Jonny off on this mighty fine journey around the planet. In the book Jonny also reflects on his time in the Netherlands in 1991 and how that trip influenced his wanderlust and desire to go on a journey through over 100 countries. A journey which he currently documents on his travel blog “Don’t Stop Living”.

You can buy my latest e-Book book now, through Pay Pal on e-junkie. Here’s the link:

Jonny Blair’s First Ever Travel Blog from 1991

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